
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Training Journal 10/12-10/18

Monday Oct 12- Sunday Oct 18This week began right after a massive effort to organize the Bigfoot 120mi/100k race at Mt St Helens. I am still feeling a bit exhausted from it. I only got a couple hours of sleep all weekend of Oct 10-11. I also marked the entire Bigfoot 120 course with Garrett Froelich's help the week previous, so I didn't do much running this week, instead I focused on biking and finally FINALLY got back to daily yoga classes! Getting stoked about riding the Tour Divide! Reminds me of how I felt when I first got into ultras. There's an excitement that hasn't been there for a few years for me.

**CU= core/push-up, pull-up, sit-up, sometimes kettle bell session usually around 20-30 min, I do it almost daily. Usually 100 -200 push-ups, 200 bicycle sit-ups, 150 "other core", plank & side plank, 10 pull ups. 

Monday : course sweeping for the race (ie: slow, carrying lots of weight), 21 miles, 6500 ft descent, 5600 ft climbing, 6hrs. Got to run a large portion in dark. Good training!

Tuesday: climb at Mt St Helens 10 miles, 5000 climbing, 5000 descent. Good difficult effort. Legs pretty wiped out from yesterday. Drove home second half of day. Long drive. 

Wednesday: 1hr bike, indoors. CU

Thursday day off. Still did lots of core, push-ups, kettle bell. CU. Just still so tired from organizing the race! 

Friday 45 min bike on road, hard effort. 1hr 15 yoga. 1hr 15 indoors on bike.

Saturday: 2 hr indoor bike session, moderate effort, 1hr 15 power yoga (felt hard). Sore from yoga on Friday. Full CU. 

Sunday: 1hr 30 min bike indoors easy, 1 hr 15 power yoga. CU 

Running: 31 miles, 11,500ft descent/ 10,600 ft ascent
Biking: 6.5 hrs (road bike, mostly indoors) 
Yoga: 3hr 45min power yoga


  1. Thanks for sharing your training plan with us. I especially like how you've included totals of the different activities. Something we can aim for :)

  2. What does CU stand for?

  3. What kind of diet do you follow? Do you take any supplements?

    1. Oh I just found your blog post on diet, anything new since last year?


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