
Thursday, July 2, 2015

What Happens when you stuff 3 men into an RV: Fastpacking Bigfoot 200

The crew of the Bigfoot 200 went out this week in 4 days and mapped the Bigfoot 200 Endurance Run Course. Our brand new Course Marking Coordinator, Ben Mayberry, a surprisingly perfect match for the job (he not only works for the Washington Trails Association, he also can fastpack 30-50 miles a day), Richard Kresser our Logistics and Volunteer Coordinator and adventurer extraordinaire, Garrett Froelich Race Organizer, and myself (Race Director). Throw in 2 kids and 2 wolf descendants and you have a PARTY in the American Clipper RV. Or at least lots of funky smells and ravenous eaters.

Garrett, kids, and I acted as crew most the time and alternated running the course with Ben and Richard. We recorded miles, ascent/descent, water sources, aid station directions, and other key notes along the way. It was very important for me to have my crew know most (if not all) the Bigfoot course. This is both for safety reasons and so that each person can do their job that much better. I've already run most of the route and I am tapering for the Colorado 200 so I did about 30 miles total over the course of 4 days. Here are photos from the sections I ran including some fun(ny) crewing photos.

You just can't take the excited out of this guy. 
River cools off in the, er, river. the entire 4 days were hot, HOT, HOT
He will eat anything.  Anything gross. I swear it was a poop baggie.
Mt. Adams

Can't take the mountain out of the goat. 
Ben is just too perfect. Gotta like that. He's going to maker my job as RD much easier. 

Rock Porn
Ultra runners will sleep anywhere

Mt. St. Helens

Mount Margaret backcountry
Bagging Mount Margaret, on the Bigfoot 200 course

Richard really does love Mt. Rainier. Kissy - kissy

"Let's go bag a peak"

View from the top of Ellis Peak on BF200 course

It's a little dusty out here
Amazing section of trail

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