
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Training Journal 4/1-4/7

Monday, April 1-Sunday, April 7, 2013: This week I began to accept the foot pain that I have been feeling as a need to take additional time off, that coupled with more research on "over training syndrome" has me wondering if I should take a more prolonged break from running.  One thing that really convinces me is my very low energy and lack of motivation to run or cross train, which is very unusual for me.  I still managed to get almost 70 miles of running with 11,000+ ft/climbing. 
 Monday: Drove home (7.5 hrs) From the Gorge, couldn't find time/energy to run.
Tuesday: 8 mile at tempo pace with 1 minute fast running per mile. 997 ft/mile
Wednesday: 19 mile run from home to hemlock, raptor, ridge, and home.  Felt very low energy partway though. 3600 ft/climb.
Thursday: 6.5 mile run Sehome hill/boulevard loop. 1,085 ft/climb
Friday: 15 mile easy trail run to Padden, through horse trails and back. 2,123 ft/climb
Saturday: 12 miles Pine and Cedar Trails. 2,988 ft/climb.  Felt a wee bit better in the lungs today, but left foot is putting up a fight!  Sure looks like I have to admit I have some PF going on in the left foot with increasingly bad sesamoiditis.
Sunday: 8 miles, 600 ft/gain. Sehome loop

Running Miles: 68.5 miles
Running Elevation Gain: 11,393 ft/climbing
Cross Training:  3 days core work
Hours: 13. 5 hours

New hats for my trail series arrived!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


My results
were not entirely pleasing.
The moment stood like a glacier:
 burrowing into the ground
covered in dirt, but still naked.

As solid as the ice seemed,
it was slowly and violently

The only clue
was a massive river
painted white flowing
from where the glacier
 scarred the rocky soil.

Training Journal 3/25-3/31

Monday, March 25- Sunday, March 31, 2013: This week proved to be difficult to get in very many miles as I traveled to the Gorge in Oregon to help with Rainshadow Running's Gorge Waterfalls 50k.  Much of the week was taken up with traveling and race prep, including a very busy day on Friday and Saturday.  Tuesday, James Varner and I ran the Gorge Waterfalls course and Sunday I had a this-is-why-I-run run up to Angel's Rest and Devil's Rest and bombed back down the trail. I had that flying with perfect coordination feeling running down the trail that has been missing since I sprained my ankle at HURT 100. I think my ankle finally feels strong enough to really attack the downhills. 
One of MANY incredible waterfalls on the GW50k course
Monday: 5 miles easy, 600 ft/climb. A leg-stretching kind of run during the long drive to the Gorge.
Tuesday: 27 miles on Gorge Waterfalls course, 5,000 ft/climb.
Wednesday: 8 miles course marking for Gorge Waterfalls 50k, 1785 ft/climb
Thursday: 10 miles loop up to Angel's rest and Devil's Rest, 3,200 ft/climb.
Friday: 8 miles on road. Too busy to do much with race prep. 200 ft/climb
Saturday: 6 miles between fixing course markings and photos, 1,600 ft/climb
Sunday: 7.5 miles: 2 mile uphill run (high intensity) and 2 mile downhill/technical run (high intensity). 2,500 ft/climb

Running Miles: 71.5
Elevation Gain: 14,885 ft/climb
Biking: sadly, none
Cross training: does sitting in a hot tub count?

Training Journal 3/18-3/24

Monday, March 18- Sunday, March 24, 2013: This week I really committed to doing some quality workouts. I got my blood tests back that would hopefully pinpoint what's been going on with my energy and breathing.  It seemed to indicate that I am low in iron and my immune system is not up to par.  Really I need to have the results analyzed by a real doctor, not Doctor Candice.  So the mystery continues.  I was able to get a great track workout in plus a tough 50k training run.  On the cross training side, I did 3 biking sessions at altitude thanks to our awesome new Hypoxico altitude mask/machine.  I'm hoping to be consistent enough for these workouts to improve my fitness.
Some of the hills near the Yakima Skyline 50k course.
Monday: 8.5 miles, Sehome hill & urban loop, 900 ft/climb
Tuesday: 5 miles from N. Chuckanut Trailhead with BTRC, 1293 ft/climb. 29 mile bike ride with 2,300 ft/climb, ~2hr
Wednesday: Track workout 8x400 meters plus 6 miles, 8 total miles with 550 ft/climb. 30 minute altitude bike workout indoors.
Thursday: Ran the Yakima Skyline 50k course, 9,777 ft/climb
Friday: 30 minute altitude bike workout indoors. 45 minute core/arms/legs workout.
Saturday: 7 miles on the treadmill with 1 minute faster running per mile. 1 hour altitude bike workout. 30 minutes core/arms/legs.
Sunday: 15 miles, pushing the hills. 2,018 ft./climb.

Running Miles: 74.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 13,988 ft/climb
Biking: 4hrs total biking: 29 mile bike ride outdoors with 2,300 ft/climb. Plus 2 hours total indoor biking altitude training (@10,000 ft)
Cross training: 1hr. 15min total
Running hours: 16 hr 20 (approx)