
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Training Journal 9/17-9/23

Wonderland Trail Circumnavigation: This is what you look like after 31 hours of non-stop running/hiking--a bit dirty, hot, and crazed.  See that sparkle in my eye though?  I did it!!
Monday, September 17-Sunday September 23: Honestly, recapping this week was something I was NOT going to do.  In reflection though, not recapping this week would be a shame.  Surely this was one of the most intense, joyful, and traumatic weeks of my life up until now.  I'd rather it just be a normal kind of week.  Instead, the universe had other life changing ideas.  I ran the Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier in 31hr11min to set a new women's fastest known time.  I ran the route solo and unsupported.  This run was a pivotal moment in my life, allowing me to recognize my independence, personal strength, and power.  It also brought out my fears and I had no choice but to face them, or fail to finish the route.  Thanks to the lessons and strength that I gained from this run, my supportive and loving friends, and my children I am sitting here writing this journal.  Otherwise I think I would have given up on myself as well.   

On the traumatic end of the week, my partner of 2 years, business partner, running partner, lover, and best friend broke up with me this same week, after the Wonderland run.  I was & am devastated.  Running has always been a pleasure, but with the memories of running with him and the self reflective nature of running, it has been difficult since.  I share this very intimate information with you, my reader, because writing brings me pleasure and my blog is my solace.  I try to convey in a deep and honest way my experience through my writing.  Anything less would rob you of the pleasure that honest, reflective writing brings.   I know this is a long recap of the week, but it's been a long week!

Monday: Lake Padden, 1 hr, 5 miles. 950 feet of climbing.
Tuesday: Day off
Wednesday: Wonderland Trail 95 miles, 27,000 feet of climbing. 31 hours, 11 minutes, 57 seconds.  New woman's FKT.
Thursday: Finished the Wonderland Trail
Friday: Day off
Saturday: Day off
Sunday: 20 mile bike ride, 1 hour, 1,200 feet of climbing. Bellingham

Running miles: 100 miles
Running elevation gain: 28,000
Biking: 20 miles
Biking Gain: 1,200
Total Time Running: 32 hr. 11 min
Total Other Exercise time:  1hr


  1. I find writing very therapeutic and it helps me to reaffirm who I am.

  2. I write about everything because it helps me process. And because true friends don't mind me sharing. And because it's my journal:)

  3. I read a book called "Wild", about a woman thru-hiking the PCT as a way to deal with events in her personal life. Maybe Ultra Running is your way.


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