Sunday, August 14, 2011

Juicing Away the Weekend

Peaches, oranges, lemon, strawberries
I've been doing a little juicing this weekend.  A lot actually.  I made them with a Champion juicer.  Just finished up a 85 mile running week, and since I was taking Saturday off from running I decided to do a 2-day juice fast that includes only fresh raw juices, adding chia seeds to some of the juices and drinking kombucha.  Here are the mileage weeks I have done for running the past few weeks, thanks to coach James for the help in determining weekly mileage and the day-to-day running plans like adding multiple big mileage days in a row and really long, easy runs to get used to time on my feet (12 hour plus).  

Sat, July 23 to Fri, July 29:      85 miles, included back to back long runs: a 13 hour run 
                                              Saturday and a 4 hour run Sunday.
Sat, July 30 to Fri, Aug 5:       125+ miles, included WR50 on Saturday July 30th and a 
                                              19 mile run Tues on TRT at altitude, 24 mile Wednes on 
                                               the TRT at altitude, two shorter runs Thurs(TRT), and 
                                              13 miles Friday(TRT).
Sat. Aug 6 to Fri, Aug 12        85 miles (this week was the beginning of my taper for CC, 
                                               next week will be significantly fewer miles).  I ran 2-3 hours 
                                               most days this past week, with a 17 miler on Saturday in 
                                               Tahoe before we left town. 

Carrots, parsley, celery, apples

beets, carrots, celery, ginger, kale, beet greens, apples

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